At Expo Hire, we are revolutionising the way you hire event equipment. We understand that planning an event can be stressful, especially when you're unsure about the availability of the items you need. That's why we've introduced real-time stock checking on our website, a feature that sets us apart from the rest.
In the past, you may have experienced the frustration of finding out at the last minute that the tables you wanted were out of stock. Many event hire companies are hesitant to disclose their stock levels, fearing it may deter potential customers. They might claim that items are available, only to disappoint you when you call to confirm. This can be a time-consuming and frustrating process for everyone involved.
It's not uncommon to come across websites using vague language or "weasel words". Phrases like "The availability of the product will be checked and confirmed by the manager. You will not be charged until confirmed" or "Your card isn't charged until a member of our sales team goes and either accepts or declines your order. You will be notified by email" are often used. While these statements may seem reassuring, they can often lead to uncertainty and confusion. They leave you in the dark about the actual availability of the items you need, and you may end up waiting for a confirmation that may arrive too late, or worse not at all.
At Expo Hire, we believe in transparency and instant confirmation, and have taken a different approach. We want you to be able to place your order online with confidence, without the need to call and check prices or availability. That's why we've implemented live stock checking on our website. This feature allows you to place an order only if we have the items in stock, and it instantly informs you if we can't fulfill your order.
Implementing this feature was no easy task. It took over a year of dedicated work to develop the software and systems needed, and it required us to significantly improve our warehousing practices. But we believe the results speak for themselves. The transparency we offer our customers is unmatched in our industry.

To see how it works, simply select a product you want to hire, enter your postcode, delivery and collection dates, and the quantity you need. Then click the 'check stock' button. From there, you can build your order online with ease, without ever needing to call or email to check if we can assist you.