We're not just a hire company; we're your partner in creating unforgettable events. Whether you're planning a large-scale exhibition, a corporate conference, or a small garden party, we've got you covered.
Our extensive range of high-quality products includes everything from exhibition furniture and kitchen equipment to outdoor furniture and crockery. We understand that every event is unique, which is why we offer a diverse selection of products to cater to your specific needs. From chic Chesterfield sofas and futuristic LED Furniture to practical folding chairs and versatile banquet tables, we've got something for every occasion.
At Expo Hire UK, we're are determined to lead the industry. We understand that in today's fast-paced world, information is key. That's why we've invested heavily in cutting-edge technology to enhance your customer experience. Our real-time stock checking system ensures you can see exactly what's available at the click of a button, eliminating the guesswork and giving you peace of mind and meaning that we won't accept your order only to cancel on you a few days later.
Our seamless online ordering process makes it easy for you to secure the equipment you need, whenever you need it. And with our advanced delivery tracking system, you can monitor your order every step of the way, from our warehouse to your event's location. We're committed to leveraging technology to make your event planning process as smooth and stress-free as possible so you can concentrate on the fun stuff.
We're proud of our reputation for excellence, and we're committed to maintaining it. That's why we regularly replace our stock to ensure we're always offering the best quality products. And if you're looking for something a little different, we're more than happy to help. If we don't have what you're looking for, we'll do our best to source it for you or point you in the right direction.
At Expo Hire UK, we're not just about making your event a success, we're about making it unforgettable. So why not start planning your event today? With our competitive prices, exceptional service, and wide range of products, we're confident we can help you create an event to remember.
Showcase your business with our superb exhibition furniture
With all stock and availability shown online, it's easy to build your exhibition order without need for time-consuming calls, emails and quotes.
Hire furniture for your next event at the best price possible thanks to our special offer packages.
Find out when your delivery will arrive without needing to call us
There's nothing worse than the wait for a delivery - particularly if you have the stress of setting up your event or occasion to contend with. We've made it possible to track your order so this is no longer a problem.
Our new banqueting table and chair hire packages make ordering furniture for your event or occasion even easier.
Showcase your business with our superb exhibition furniture
With all stock and availability shown online, it's easy to build your exhibition order without need for time-consuming calls, emails and quotes.
How to Choose Wedding Linen for Your Special Day | Expo Hire