Cookie Policy

This policy lets you know about how we use cookies on our website.

What are Cookies?

Webpages have no memories. A user going from page to page will be treated by the website as a completely new visitor. Cookies enable the website to remember you as you go from page to page so you don"t get asked for the same information over and over again.

What Cookies do we set?

Whenever you visit our site we will set a session cookie called "EXPOHIRE_ID" which is used to identify you to our server and allow us to store the information you have provided to us, such as items in your basket or whether you have logged in.

This cookie is essential for the site to work properly, however you can reset it at any time by clicking the "Delete All Cookies" button below.

Delete All Cookies

If you use our website we will also set cookies relating to Zendesk Chat, We use this service to provide customer service function on our website.

You can clear the content and delete these cookies at any time by returning to this page and clicking the "Delete All Cookies" button above.

If you want to prevent this website from setting cookies at all you can use your browsers' privacy controls.

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Mozilla Firefox
Apple Safari
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